Boulangerie Chambelland Gluten-Free Bakery Paris, 11th arrondissement

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What do you think of gluten-free bread and cakes?

A bit tasteless, not tasty.

Such negative opinions may be common.

In fact, I was.

One shop that has turned this conventional wisdom on its head is Boulangerie Chambelland Paris, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

We would like to introduce this wonderful shop to you.

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Boulangerie Chambelland Paris

Practical information

Boulangerie Chambelland Paris

Address:14 Rue Ternaux, 75011 Paris, France

Opening hours: 09:00-20:00, Tuesday-Sunday.

Closed: Monday

Nearest station: Parmentier Metro line 3 Oberkampf line 5 line 9

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Boulangerie Chambelland Paris, created by Nathaniel Doboin and Thomas Teffri-Chambelland.

The shop was set up with the aim of creating a gluten-free bakery.

They are very particular about their ingredients and even mill their own flour.

All raw materials are also post-harvest free (no pesticides are used after harvest) and produced by organic farming.


Exterior view of Boulangerie Chambelland Paris.

Located on rue Ternaux, one street off rue Oberkampf, the shop’s simple design makes it hard to recognise it as a bakery at first glance.

The bakery has a contemporary look and a slightly upmarket feel.

The chairs and tables on the road are placed with plenty of room, so you can have a leisurely lunch or other meal without worrying about the people next to you.


Fokkacha is on display.

There is a great variety of bread in the shop.

However, the product mix differs from that found in regular bakeries.

Focaccia is the main product sold in the shops.

Lots of bread in the showcase.

Without a description of the bread, it is quite difficult to know which one to buy.

Lots of bread in the showcase.

The sandwiches are also very different from the usual bakery products.

moelleux au chocolat

The moelleux au chocolat also looks delicious.

Eclair is on display.

Eclair is not much different from other shops.

Prices differ considerably, but.

Bread ingredients are also available.

Bread as well as baking ingredients are sold.

You may want to try to recreate the unforgettable taste.

Cookies are also available on the lower level.

Automated cash registers.

Automated cash registers.

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Terrace seating.

The tables and chairs are stylish.

The packaging is also simple.

Here is a picture of the box.

Eclairs and cakes on the table.

Simple packaging.

moelleux au chocolat and eclairs.

Here are the products purchased this time.

The moelleux au chocolat and eclairs.

Inside Eclair.

It is difficult to convey in the image, but the eclairs have a texture unique to rice flour.

I’ve eaten countless eclairs in Paris and they are some of the best I’ve had.

The moelleux au chocolat is also excellent.

Inside Eclair.

I’ve visited many times and have tried many different things, but I can’t miss the eclairs.

It tastes different from the previous one, but it is also very tasty.


This too had a unique texture and was delicious.

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The overall rating is as follows on a 5-point list.

Boulangerie Chambelland Paris


Exterior: ★★★★★

Interior: ★★★★★


Store clerk : ★★★★★

Ease of purchase: ★★★☆☆

Location: ★★☆☆☆

To be honest, I had a preconceived notion that gluten-free was not tasty, but it was so good that I wondered if the bakery was really gluten-free.

Please note that some breads may not be to everyone’s taste.

The exterior is modern, but clean and uncluttered.

The interior is as clean and atmospheric as the exterior.

Prices are generally a little higher.

I think it’s inevitable because of the materials.

Staff were very good.

The ease of purchasing products is a little difficult to purchase.

This is not because the products are difficult to see, but because the range is different from other bakeries and it is quite confusing as to which one to buy.

If you visit a few times and get to know the products, you will find it easier to buy them.

Not a bad location, but not a place to stop off during sightseeing.

It is possible to walk from the Marais area, but it is a considerable distance.

Overall, the shop is highly rated.

This is a gluten-free bakery, but even those who are not interested in or concerned about gluten-free food can be satisfied.

Thank you again for reading to the end of this issue.

The latest bakery rankings in Paris are available.

What is the rank of the bakery I introduced here?

Please check it out as well.

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