Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy Collections 2 From Rococo to contemporary art

ナンシー美術館 Nancy

We would like to introduce you to 47 painters from the 17th century to the present day.

Even if you are not so interested in western paintings, you will find many names you have heard of, so we hope you enjoy this article.

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  1. Charles de La Fosse (1636-1716)
  2. Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer (1636-1699)
  3. Cavalier Pietro Tempesta (1637-1701)
  4. Alexandre-François Desportes (1661-1743)
  5. Henri Antoine de Favanne (1668-1752)
  6. Gherardo Poli (1675-1749)
  7. François Lemoyne (1688-1737)
  8. Charles Antoine Coypel (1694-1752)
  9. Carle van Loo (1705-1765)
  10. Francesco Giuseppe Casanova (1727-1803)
  11. Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry (1728-1796)
  12. Charles-Laurent Maréchal (1801-1887)
  13. Gustave Doré (1832-1883)
  14. Henri-Léopold Lévy (1840-1904)
  15. Jean Henri Zuber (1844-1909)
  16. Luigi Loir (1845-1916)
  17. Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848-1884)
  18. Henri Gervex (1852-1929)
  19. Hippolyte Petitjean (1854-1929)
  20. Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910)
  21. Victor Prouvé (1858-1943)
  22. Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923)
  23. Aristide Maillol (1861-1944)
  24. Camille Martin (1861-1898)
  25. Émile Friant (1863-1932)
  26. Paul Sérusier (1864-1927)
  27. Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938)
  28. Ker-Xavier Roussel (1867-1944)
  29. Henri Matisse (1869-1954)
  30. Georges Dufrénoy (1870-1943)
  31. Georges Rouault (1871-1958)
  32. Albert Marquet (1875-1947)
  33. Pierre Laprade (1875-1931)
  34. Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)
  35. Jean Frélaut (1879-1954)
  36. André Derain (1880-1954)
  37. Max Pechstein (1881-1995)
  38. Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955)
  39. Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920)
  40. Pierre Dumont (1884-1936)
  41. Léonard Tsugouharu Foujita (1886-1968)
  42. Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962)
  43. André Fraye (1889-1963)
  44. Moïse Kisling (1891-1953)
  45. François Desnoyer (1894-1972)
  46. Édouard Pignon (1905-1993)
  47. Georges Dayez (1907-1991)
  48. Summary

Charles de La Fosse (1636-1716)

Charles de La Fosse

L’Assomption (1682-86)

One of the most important French painters around 1700.

He is famous for his decorations for the Tuileries Palace, Versailles, the Invalides and Notre-Dame de Paris.

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Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer (1636-1699)

Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer

Fleurs et tapis (1665)

He painted mainly flowers.

Cavalier Pietro Tempesta (1637-1701)

Cavalier Pietro Tempesta

Marine (1660)

He was a Dutch-born painter who worked in Italy.

Alexandre-François Desportes (1661-1743)

Alexandre-François Desportes

L’Automne (1771/1772)

Flemish painter who mainly painted animal and still-life paintings.

Henri Antoine de Favanne (1668-1752)

Henri Antoine de Favanne

Eliezer et Rebecca (1693)

Although born in the UK, he worked mainly in France, Italy and Spain.

Gherardo Poli (1675-1749)

Gherardo Poli

Architecture en ruine avec la commedia dell’arte 

Gherardo Poli

Architecture en ruine avec Jupiter tonnant (1730)

Gherardo Poli

Fantaisie d’architecture en ruine avec Bellérophon frappant la chimère

Gherardo Poli

Gherardo Poli, Fantaisie d’architecture en ruine avec la naissance de Vénus (1730/1735)

He is an Italian classicist painter.

He often painted ancient ruins.

François Lemoyne (1688-1737)

François Lemoyne

La Continence de Scipion (1727)

French Rococo painter.

Charles Antoine Coypel (1694-1752)

Charles Antoine Coypel

La destruction du palais d’Armide (1737)

He was the royal foremost painter and playwright.

He is famous for his work on the decoration of the Palace of Versailles.

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Carle van Loo (1705-1765)

Carle van Loo

L’Ivresse de Silène (1747)

Very popular painter in Europe at the time.

He was also a successful court painter.

Francesco Giuseppe Casanova (1727-1803)

Francesco Giuseppe Casanova

Promenade  en barque (1788)

He was an Italian painter who mainly painted battle scenes.

Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry (1728-1796)

Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry

Memento Mori (1756)

He was a French painter of still-life paintings.

Charles-Laurent Maréchal (1801-1887)

Charles-Laurent Maréchal

Épisode du siège de Metz (1835)

He is well known as a stained glass painter.

Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

Gustave Doré

Paysage de montagne (1870)

He is better known as an illustrator than as a painter.

He illustrated various books of the time.

Henri-Léopold Lévy (1840-1904)

Jeune fille et la Mort

Jeune fille et la Mort (1900)

Painter born in Nancy.

Many of his works are based on biblical and historical themes.

Jean Henri Zuber (1844-1909)

Jean Henri Zuber

Soir d’automne en Forêt (1878)

French landscape painter.

Luigi Loir (1845-1916)

Luigi Loir

Travaux de nuit sur la voie publique (1902)

The painter was born in Austria and worked in France.

Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848-1884)

Jules Bastien-Lepage

Ophelia (1881)

Jules Bastien-Lepage

Job (1876/77)

French, naturalist painter.

Henri Gervex (1852-1929)

Henri Gervex

Portrait de Colette Gervex (1910)

The painter was a close friend of Rodin.

Hippolyte Petitjean (1854-1929)

Hippolyte Petitjean

Jeune femme assise (1892)

He was a neo-impressionist and pointillist.

Henri-Edmond Cross (1856-1910)

Henri-Edmond Cross

Après-midi à Pardigon (1907)

As a master of Neo-Impressionism, he has had a profound influence on the next generation of painters.

Henri-Edmond Cross

La Ferme, matin (1893)

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Victor Prouvé (1858-1943)

Victor Prouvé

L’île heureuse (1902)

Victor Prouvé

La Joie  de vivre (1904)

Victor Prouvé

Les Voluptueux (1889)

French, Art Nouveau painter.

To Galle, he also designed glass works and furniture.

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923)

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen

Les Éléments. Formes et couleurs (1900)

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen

L’Application à la décoration des brodeuses au métier et à l’aiguille (1900)

Fête de nuit (1900)

Born Lausanne, Switzerland, Art Nouveau painter.

He worked in various fields, including sculpture and illustration.

Aristide Maillol (1861-1944)

Aristide Maillol

Le pauvre pêcheur (1881)

Maillol is a well-known modern sculptor.

He did not work as a sculptor until after the age of 40, and the work shown here was created when he was working as a painter.

Camille Martin (1861-1898)

Camille Martin

Après l’enterrement (1889)

Born in Nancy, he was a painter and illustrator of many different types of work.

There is also a strong Japanese influence.

Émile Friant (1863-1932)

Émile Friant

Madame Petitjeon (1883)

La cuisinière (1887), right, her own mother peeling a turnip.

Emile Friant is a well-known naturalist and portrait painter.

The Nancy Museum of Art has many of his works on display.

Émile Friant

Les amoureux (1888)

Émile Friant

La Douleur (1898)

Émile Friant

Jeune Nancéienne dans un paysage de neige (1887)

Émile Friant

Le sculpteur Bussière dans son atelier (1884)

Émile Friant

Les Jours heureux (1895)

Paul Sérusier (1864-1927)

Paul Sérusier

Paysage d’automne (1914) left

Paysage breton (1906) right

French, post-impressionist painter.

He is strongly influenced by Gauguin.

Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938)

Suzanne Valadon

Femme aux bas blancs (1924)

Suzanne Valadon

Le Lancement du filet (1914)

Valadon was both a model and a painter.

She is also the mother of Utrillo.

She was also the first woman to exhibit at the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts and was a pioneering woman in many fields.

Ker-Xavier Roussel (1867-1944)

Ker-Xavier Roussel

L’Enfance  de Jupiter 

France, a member of the Naviste.

Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

Henri Matisse

Jeune fille à la blouse jaune, Marguerite Matisse (1921)

He was a central figure in Fauvism and a friend of Picasso.

Described as a ‘magician of colour’, he has a unique use of colour that no other artist has.

Georges Dufrénoy (1870-1943)

Georges Dufrénoy

Port de Gènes (1914)

He is a post-impressionist painter.

Georges Rouault (1871-1958)


Pierrotins (1932)

The painter is classified as Fauvisme.

Although many of his paintings are religious, he was so stoic about his work that he famously told the story of burning some 300 of his unfinished works.

Albert Marquet (1875-1947)

Albert Marquet

La Seine au Pont-Neuf, effet de brouillard (1906)

Albert Marquet, a Fauvisme painter.

He was a close friend of Matisse and is known as a painter who travelled in Europe and the Middle East.

A number of works depict cities and ports in various regions.

This work depicts the Pont Neuf bridge on the Seine.

Pierre Laprade (1875-1931)

Pierre Laprade

Le Voilier (1906/07)

The painter trained under Bourdelle.

Raoul Dufy (1877-1953)

Raoul Dufy

Paysage d’Avila (1949)

Raoul Dufy

Sainte-Adresse Nuit (1924/25) upper

Sainte-Adresse Jour (1924/25) lower

Dufy, French, Fauvist painter.

His unconventional and original use of colour has earned him the nickname ‘The Magician of Colour’, and he is one of the leading French painters of the 20th century.

Jean Frélaut (1879-1954)

Jean Frélaut

Vannes vue de Longles (1922) upper

Victor Guillaume (1880-1942)  Moselle à Liverdun (1922) lower

Jean Frélaut was also a painter, sculptor and illustrator.

Victor Guillaume was another painter active at the same time.

André Derain (1880-1954)

Andre Derain

Paysage de Provence (1921/1924)

André Derain, a Fauvisme painter.

He interacted with various painters, including Matisse and Picasso.

He was an artist who worked in various fields, not only as a painter, but also as a sculptor, illustrator and writer.

Max Pechstein (1881-1995)

Max Pechstein

Paysage (1912)

He is a German Expressionist painter.

Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955)

Maurice Utrillo

Rue Lepic, le Moulin de la Galette (1921-25) lower

Marie-Louise Siméon   Quai des Orfèvres à Paris (1937) upper

The lower part is Utirro.

Utrillo, a native Montmartre painter, was born in Montmartre.

He mainly painted landscapes, especially of cities and of Montmartre.

Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920)

Amedeo Modigliani

Germaine Survage (1918)

Modigliani, an Italian painter of the Paris School, active in Montmartre and Montparnasse.

He is famous for his many portraits, but died at the young age of 35.

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Pierre Dumont (1884-1936)

Pierre Dumont

Cathédrale de Rouen (1925)

French painter.

Cubist influences.

Léonard Tsugouharu Foujita (1886-1968)

Léonard Tsugouharu Foujita

Mon intérieur Nature morte à l’accordéon (1922)

Japanese painter.

Jacques Majorelle (1886-1962)

Jacques Majorelle

Le Souk des Tapis, Marrakech (1924)

Jacques Majorelle

Ighil N’oro le Mellah (1922)

Painter born in Nancy.

He is credited with building the Majorelle Gardens in Marrakech.

André Fraye (1889-1963)

André Fraye

Port de Cassis (1920) upper

Edmond sigris(1882-1947)  ,  Menton le port (1937) lower

André Fraye was born in Nantes and was a painter strongly influenced by Impressionism.

Moïse Kisling (1891-1953)

Moïse Kisling

Paysage du midi (1937)

He is an Ecole de Paris painter.

François Desnoyer (1894-1972)

François Desnoyer

L’escale (1940)

Édouard Pignon (1905-1993)

Édouard Pignon

La Veillée (1937)

The painter was a close friend of Picasso.

Georges Dayez (1907-1991)

Georges Dayez

Les dentellières de Burano (1951)

He was a painter, sculptor and lithographer.

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There were a number of names of painters that you may be familiar with.

We hope that this article will be of some help to you when you visit the Musée de Nancy.

Thank you again for reading to the end of this issue.

Other works from the Nancy Museum of Art are presented below.

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